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(Македонски) Две години од декриминализацијата на клеветата: Функционерите заштитени – новинарите заплашени!

Центарот за развој на медиуми, од февруари 2013, до декември 2014 година, постојано ги набљудува судските постапки против новинарите и медиумите, поведени според Законот за граѓанска одговорност за навреда и клевета, ...

Second report of the monitoring of defamation action cases against journalists and media outlets

The Media Development Centre (MDC), under the auspices of the USAID Programme for Strengthening of Independent Media in the Republic of Macedonia and the Project for Media Legal Reform and Responsible Media, in the pe...

Debate: Defamation – Harnessing the Press?

The Media Development Center (MDC), under the auspices of USAID Project for Media Legal Reform and Responsible Media, on July 11, 2014 (Friday), at the „Ambassador“ Room of Best Western Tourist Hotel in Skopje, at 11:...

Debate on the Implementation of the Law on Civil Liability for Defamation

The Media Development Center (MDC) organized the debate „What did the Decrimininalisation of Defamation Brought to the Table?“ yesterday, March 13, 2014, at the Club of Journalists in Skopje. At the debate, MDC pre...