MDC’s Publications
(Македонски) Документ за јавни политики: Субвенции – кого да субвенционираме и зошто
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Policy Document: Future interventions in media legislation
MDC has made contributions to the process of resolution of some of the burning issues that are in the focus of the ongoing process of reforms of media legislation in Macedonia. This brief document aims to offer additi...
(Македонски) Коментари на финалниот Нацрт-Закон за измени и дополнувања на ЗААВМУ
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(Македонски) МОНИТОРИНГ НА РАБОТАТА НА АВМУ И МРТ Втор извештај за 2017 година
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Comments to the Draft-Law on Changes and Amendments to the LAAVMS
The Media Development Centre has prepared and submitted comments to the latest version of the Draft-Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, through the National Electronic Reg...
Comments to the Draft-Law on Changes and Amendments to the LAAVMS
The media and the media sector in general are on the list of key areas identified by the Macedonian society and many international documents and reports that need to go through a process of thorough reforms, to ensure...
(Македонски) Прв мониторинг извештај за работата на АВМУ и МРТ во 2017
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(Македонски) Јавни политики: Професионалните стандарди помеѓу саморегулацијата и регулацијата
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Media Sector Reform – Priebe’s Recommendations and Other Issues
The agreement between the four leading political parties of July 2016 (finalized on August 31, 2016) stipulates that Macedonia should soon enter a period of urgent changes of media legislation. The four parties’ leade...
Verification Handbook for Investigative Jouranlism translated into Macedonian
From the moment it emerged for public use, the Internet has proven itself as a vast source of information in all areas of social life. That wealth of information is of great use and value for journalists, especially i...