Added by on 2014-02-24


AVMSDThe Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AMSD) of the European Union regulates all audiovisual media services, including television and internet services.


AMSD covers all services offering audiovisual contents, regardless of the technology used for presentation and transmission of contents. The rules apply equally, regardless if you view news or other audiovisual services on TV, on the internet or your mobile phone.


AMSD (Directive 2010/13/EU) of the European Parliament and the Council, adopted on March 10, 2010, synchronizes certain provisions prescribed by law, regulations or administrative measures in EU member-states on the regulation of audiovisual media services (and it replaces the Directive 98/552/EEC).


Read more about the Audiovisual Media Services Directive on this link. The Directive is attached to this article as a PDF document.