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(Македонски) Фронт за слобода на изразување реагира на изјавите на Министерот за информатичко општество
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Front for Freedom of Expression Demands from the Government to Retract Proposed Media Legislation
The Front for Freedom of Expression, an informal coalition of nine civic associations, demands from the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to retract the proposed media bills – the Law on Media and the Law on Audio...
ARTICLE19 Opinion on the Proposed Media Legislation
The Media Development Centre, under the auspices of its activities aimed at improvements to the proposed media legislation in the Republic of Macedonia, asked ARTICLE19, the London-based international freedom of expre...
(Македонски) Јавни функционери вршат притисок за членство во МАН
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APC: Macedonian government moves to limit online free speech and increase State control of the media
The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) from Johannesburg, South Africa, in a public statement released yesterday, 4 June 2013, expressed its support to the Macedonian civil society organizations in their...
(Македонски) Одржана конференцијата „Одржливост на новите медиуми“
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(Македонски) OneWorldSEE: На Македонија не и треба закон за медиуми
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