MDC’s Publications

Report No. 5 Monitoring of defamation action cases

The Media Development Centre (MDC), under the auspices of the USAID Programme for Strengthening of Independent Media in the Republic of Macedonia and the Project for Media Legal Reform and Responsible Media, in the pe...

Proposals and suggestions for the public debate on the development of non-profit media in the Republic of Macedonia

In response to the call to the civil sector, issued by the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Service, to join the public debate on the development of non-profit media, the Media Development Center (MDC) prepare...


The Media Development Centre (MDC), under the auspices of the USAID Programme for Strengthening of Independent Media in the Republic of Macedonia and the Project for Media Legal Reform and Responsible Media, in the pe...

Авторско право и сродни права за електронски медиуми

Центарот за развој на медиуми подготви второ, дополнето и изменето издание на Прирачникот за авторското право и сродните права за електронските медиуми1, објавен во 2011 година како одговор на промените во законо...